Whenever D.C. needs a distraction, they turn to one of two scapegoats: equal rights or the minimum wage. As of April 2021, it’s the latter. While each one is an important topic on its own, partisan stigma spins them so far into rhetorical solipsism that facts become an afterthought. So *cracks beer* it’s time to take a deep dive into whether or not raising the minimum wage is a good idea. All the money you don't have Stating What’s What in Plain Terms Does raising the minimum wage help the economy? Since “helping the economy” means a million things, let's clarify. An ideal economy gives each person the best chance of reaching the “American Dream.” While the American Dream is a myth , its ideology has been internalized by my generation and those before me. As I understand it, successful economies let people earn money, have kids, buy a house, and retire. Work hard, die rich. Shed debt, accrue wealth. Yes, it's an overgeneralization, but we gotta start somewhere,...
Thoughts of Dallin Nelson