"I don't know if I like it or not," my cousin said after trying a Mediterranean Olive Oil Triscuit . I love this statement. It always rings my Pavlovian bell. Familiar, pleasing flavors are arranged so savorlessly that the taster is shocked into doubt. "I don't know," really means, "I don't like it enough to say I like it." It is flavor without punch, harmony without a melody—rarely does it succeed alone. As a preeminent authority on flavor and opinions, I want to share my findings about the flavorless nature of how I and others discuss stuff today. Perhaps it's always been this way, but I see so much contradiction that occurs on social media. I know, big surprise. The loudest critics police others' appropriate conduct, and violations are called bigoted, misogynistic, idiotic, misinformed, etc. If opinions were bowling balls, these people are the lane bumpers. They hammer out all mistakes until the ball lurches through a random path...
Thoughts of Dallin Nelson