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How Crazy Are You? A Review of Ken Kesey's Nutso Novel

from The Huffington Post

As I pause to destroy my technologically faulty keyboard and wireless mouse (my keyboard is a cabled $10 second hand model) for not responding when I click, allowing me to write an entire first sentence without even realizing my keystrokes were lost in the abyss of the inactive window, I am confronted with the obstinacy of nature, and my inability to affect it at my whim. It is frustrating. This reality upsets my comfort, and sometimes I want to scream. I may become angry, and if someone crosses my path at the wrong time, who knows what could happen? My emotions may take over, or maybe I'll suppress them longer, but that is only likely to make me crack, and if I crack, what then? What happens when one's emotions drive him to a place where he no longer feels capable relating to society? This is but one of the many questions raised by Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Are any of us crazier than the average asshole? Randle P. McMurphy, the hero of the novel, asks as he arrives at a psychiatric ward, convicted of assault and statutory rape. He quickly achieves legendary acclaim as a rowdy gambler willing to upset Miss Ratched, the novel's supervillain, who exacts terror with the twitch of an eyebrow. As Chief Bromden (our narrator) informs us, the ward has been under unflinchingly rigid management for decades, led by the "Big Nurse", who strategically, and courteously humiliates anyone willing to disclose dissatisfaction. As Chief Bromden is a lumberingly tall native of the Columbia Tribe, readers may ask whether this character materialized from Kesey's own history.

Cagey is the word the Chief uses to describe himself, and perhaps each of us would agree. To be cagey is to avoid any implication of certainty; to maintain, at all times, plausible deniability. Speech is never binding, because nothing is ever truly asserted. This veritable silence is an effective method to avoid accountability, as Chief Bromden finds. It has helped him stay free of the burden Miss Ratched loads onto those who might vocalize a preference. Does this ring a bell? Modern politics, religion, science and academia, and whatever other professional fields you can think of - in all these organizations, statements are left with a way out. As a former professor of mine told me, "I personally don't know, I shouldn't know, One couldn't know."

Moreover, his father, Chief of the Columbia Tribe, was himself driven to insanity by the slow choke put on by the U.S. Government - a strategy used also by Nurse Ratched. Chief Bromden tells of how his father fought only so long against a dam's construction over the Columbia River - the unrelenting tide of power - before his only refuge was what could be found to drink. Bromden compares it to rope slack taken up as soon as it becomes loose, and never letting it go. McMurphy struggles to stay positive as he begins to understand the seriousness of his plight. He could be committed indefinitely, and he doesn't want that. Nevertheless, he sticks to his bet to act willfully against Nurse Ratched at every opportunity. McMurphy's fun-loving mayhem not only lifts the spirits of the other patients of the ward, they take courage and begin protesting the Big Nurse themselves. One such outburst - one resulting in a fistfight ended by McMurphy - took place in a group meeting, and resulted in his undergoing electroshock therapy.

There were many story elements that upset me, but the shock therapy affected me the most. People actually did this. Chief Bromden explains the platform of their alleged therapeutic value; the treatments simply whisk them away from the stresses of life for a while, but as another patient warns, trips to paradise cost a few brain cells. As the other patients drew strength from McMurphy's individuality, Nurse Ratched immediately had him quieted by use of force disguised as therapy. An outsider had arrived who could upset the balance of power in the hospital. Life sprung up around this glowing, irreverent ball of hijinks, and solely because he was out of place. No matter what uniforms he was made to wear, his enthusiasm was never still. The human spirit, try as they might, cannot be quieted. At least not for long.

Ken Kesey, however, reminds us of the power of the machine; the commitment, even obsession, to order. When order is upset by those who organized it, heavy consequences follow. Randle Patrick McMurphy becomes a casualty in the war to preserve hospital[-like] sterility. Imagine coming home from a confusing war to a country that understands it even less, yet chant for war. Governments calls out from pulpits and televisions that others - the others - are a threat to our way of life, and must be brought to order. A lively and vocal minority shouts out, protests, fights, and still the machine keeps rolling on, allowing the disruption to continue until the country no longer finds it exciting, at which point those few are executed, either physically or socially.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was a beautiful and vivid novel. I could feel my fingers in Randle McMurphy's curly, red locks. I could feel his longing as he watched the shriveled souls of other men beaten down from years of being told they were too sick function, and all because it was so difficult for them to interact with the same society you and I stress and worry about mingling with. I could hear the dining hall elevatoresque music playing on repeat so long the patients could no longer distinguish it. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest reminds us that we're not going crazy; society has convinced us of a normal, and will enforce it through unspeakable means.


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